Monday, December 13, 2010

Post Christmas Epos Adventure

Hello everyone!

**Note "Epos" means Epic in German so Phil hopefully may understand the sheer scope of this event**

With significant input from Lisa D, I now have a game plan for our week after Christmas.

First the Purpose:

Rest. The Sabbath was given as God's gift to us for our good. So from Sunday December 26th at 2pm to 10pm December 31st, we will turn off our cell phones, ditch our laptops, forget the series of tubes that make up the inter-web, and relish Relaxation and Community. We will recharge with good food, good drink, and good friends.

Second, the guest list:
-David W - British West Seattle Intern whose mere voice will drive the least passionate person to heights of vigor and selfless abandon
-Phil F - German West Seattle Intern who purportedly wrestled Wild Boar and charted the most distant part of New Zealand
-Lisa D - West Seattle Master who has conquered 14,000ft+ Mount Rainier and set the record for longest base guitar solo in East Timor.
-Jen G - West Seattle Intern who owns no less than 12 copies of Fight Club...just in case and who knows more Chuck Norris Jokes than even Chuck Norris
-Linsdsay D – She is a West Seattlelite who is passionate about ministering to under-privileged inner-city kids. She loves card games and brings a healthy competitiveness to any match. Oh wait…um this is suppose to be about hyperbole. Crap, Hmm…Lindsay is responsible for the Gulf O …She has been know to associate with the Fellowshi…She is just awesome, but not a terrorist or anything, she just loves Jesus.
-Nick B - A Marine Com Spec who "retired" the Two of Diamonds through the Jack of Diamonds, has built a laser (motive) system that transmits power wirelessly to aerial vehicles over 1000 meters away, knows what is in your food (don't ask him, he will tell you in brutal detail), and he is rumored to be the first man to ever "take a bite out of crime".
-Sean A - West Seattle Master who is descended directly from William Wallace...he too has a two-handed broadsword
-And Me - The man with a plan

Third the Plan: (All these days are flexible depending on weather)
We will leave Seattle at 2pm on December 26th from the West Seattle Campus Intern House.
Our two car convoy (a Subaru Forester and whoever's vehicle can make it in snow) will cross into Eastern Washington's High Desert, and we will meet up with Lisa D at her father's House.
Monday will be a lazy day to relax with movies, games, or just some good solitude on the Her family's acreage.
Tuesday will be spent helping Lisa's dad brand cattle and/or shooting shotguns, rifles, and handguns of various calibers in the dessert. There is also a small chance that we will castrate a bull or five.
Wednesday we will leave the desert and head to Tundra at Mount Rainier's South side aptly named "Paradise". We will snowshoe from 5,200 ft above sea level to about 7,200ft. There is a possibility that we could stay in a cabin at the foot of Rainier.
Thursday will find us on the Straight of Juan de Fuca. I have a lead on a place to crash in Sequim. After arriving in Sequim, we spend another lazy day.
Friday we will head up to Hurricane Ridge and maybe do some more snowshoeing or just enjoy the view. Be back in Seattle by 6pm, and maybe we can burn the church's 13 Christmas trees in an Alki Bonfire for New Years Eve.

I have a 22LR Mossberg Rifle and 1600 rounds. Anyone else have any toys?
Feel free to comment with activity, food, drink, game, or any other ideas.
