Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Longest Interstate

Miles: 12321.2
Gallons Burned: 405.6
Caffeinated Drinks: 73
Gigabytes of Pictures: 31.4 (2,355 stills and 290 Video Clips)

Hi guys. Here in Hillsdale Michigan, I am nearing the end of my journey. Soon I'll be meeting up with Joe and heading out West back to the beginning. March 13th is the tentative return date (weather permitting). For me, this trip shares much in common with some of the best stories ever told: the Matrix, Fight Club, Memento (to name some movies), the Dark Tower Cycle, and the Bible itself. What is it exactly that the trip shares with these? Think of the movies and books; they all end where they began (the mode of story being Beginning Middle Beginning). They, as well as my road trip, end where they start.
The last link in my road trip's story will be Interstate 90. It is 3,086 miles long (Google maps disagrees with Wikipedia's claim of 3,099.07 miles). Here is a Video Blog from Boston regarding my thoughts just before I embarked on the first mile of I-90:

As a note to my obsession, I added an extra 3 hours onto my drive time just to divert from Jefferson Maine to East Boston, so I could start from the true beginning of this masterful road.

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