Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mount Rainier Hike to Camp Muir

July 16th, 17th, and 18th.

The Trip:
We will leave the Seattle area in carpools on Thursday night at about 6:15pm and arrive at Cougar Rock Campground at about 9:15pm. We will then drive up to Paradise at about 8:00am and start hiking up. We will be back at paradise at about 7:00pm and drive back to the campground. Then we will enjoy s'mores, food, and fun together. I will provide a breakfast/brunch on Saturday Morning for everyone (hash browns, bacon, breakfast sausage, maybe even pancakes...) before we finally get back to Seattle by about 1:00pm.

The Hike:
We will gain about 4200 vertical feet on the way to Camp Muir, the traditional base camp for summits of this fine Volcano. The round trip is 10 miles featuring amazing views and great company (don't worry, we won't be charging up the mountain so even if you aren't in the best shape you'll make it). For the hard core, I still plan to go if the weather is disagreeable (much like the June 19th Hike up to Camp Muir. I have 5 mats for sliding down the ice shoots after we reach Camp Muir at 9,950 feet. The more cultured mountaineering folk refer to such sliding as "Glissading". But feel free to bring a garbage bag to aid in the descent

Camp sites run $12 a night, split that between 6 people for two nights ($4 a person)
Park entry is $15 per car, split 4 ways ($3.75)
Food you buy yourself for Friday breakfast, the hike, and for the night after the hike ($12 a person)

3 changes of cloths (two for camping (one for the drive) one for the hike
Sleeping bag or comforter
Tent (if you have one)
Cook Stove (if you have one)
Food for Friday morning that will top up you energy
Food for Friday night that can be cooked over fire or a camp stove
A towel for after the hike in the car
Food for the Hike, snaking is very important (I prefer baked good, trail mix, sandwiches, slices of cold pizza, etc)
Water for the hike ~2 Liters
Sun Glasses or Ski goggles with UV protection
Sun Screen SPF 30+
Ice Axes (optional)
A day backpack to carry water and food in
A stalking cap, tuque , baclava, or hat
Gloves (for snow ball fights)
Strong boots with some water-proofing (Cramp-ons optional)
2 Large Black Garbage bags (for enjoying the long ice chutes on the snow fields)
Thermal Gear Top and bottom (Under-Armor or "long johns")
Heavy tuque hat
Thick wool socks (Maybe bring a second pair)
A scarf
Medium weight jacket (with some sort of liner & some rain resistance)

We will be staying at the Cougar Rock Campground in Mount Rainier National Park. These sites are first come first serve, so we will do our best to claim 2 or 3 (for a total capacity of 12-18 people).
I will bring a 3 man tent, cook stove, wood + white gasoline to light it, food for breakfast on Saturday before we go home, and 1 extra sleeping bag.

I hope as many people as possible make it out to this beautiful mid-summer paradise and enjoy the alpine meadows, glistening snow fields, and heart-stopping vista. After all this is my favorite place on Earth.

Pictures/Videos of my past trips to Camp Muir:
Camping at Rainier

Up to Muir

At Camp Muir

Down from Muir

Please come with me up to Rainier. Come from anywhere, if your are in New Zealand and see this then book a plane ticket, if you are in the military and have some leave then take it, if you are about to prove Fermat's Last Theorem in a newer better way then stop and follow me, if you need to go to Stockholm and receive the Nobel Peace Prize then don't get on the plane come with me. Bottom line, you know you want, you know it'll be fun, you know you will stand above at all, so Come On!

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