Saturday, January 9, 2010

My First VLOG

Miles Clocked: 1147
Gallons Burned: ~33
Caffeinated Drinks: 5

I apologize to you for not posting something earlier but I have been with out WiFi until recently, and then I had some technical difficulty with uploading a 270MB file to Anyways now everything should be in order.
I am well. The second leg was exciting, two nights of camping, about a thousand awesome switchbacks, huge redwood trees, jaw-dropping beaches, and one creepy run in with a hidden California state prison.
Here are my favorite pictures (sorry for resolution variation, 3 cameras were used):

Here is my first attempt at a Video Blog.
This video was taken HERE with me standing on top of a cliff.

The Video:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome VLOG! Keep em' coming. Where's THE BEARD?!
