Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quick Post

Miles: 9376.3
Gallons Burned: 323.3
Caffeinated Drinks: 57
Gigabytes of Pictures: 26.8

Hey everybody! I just wanted to quickly remind everyone of the best way to get a hold of me while on the road:
(1) - My Cell (when in range and not dead) works best, email me for my number if you don't have it
(2) - Google Chat (now with video)
(3) - Gmail:
(4) - Facebook (it might be hard to find me so email me and I'll add you as a friend)
(5) - On The City (Mars Hill's Church social networking tool)

Just to keep you in suspense, I will post a few pictures without any explanation. You'll have to wait for my blog posts...

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